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imagecolorsforindex() Color index 255 out of range

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Chevereto Member
When I tried to upload an animated gif, I got this error

imagecolorsforindex() Color index 255 out of range in class.upload.php line 414

The image was uploaded correctly but the error prevents the script from redirecting to the viewer page after upload. I suppressed the error on line 414 and everything works.

$transparent_color = @imagecolorsforindex($source, $transparent_index);

Why does this error happen?
Sometimes when the functions (bundeld functions) doesn't work they shout a warning or error. In this case because the image index was out of range as the error display says.
What file do you need? It's weird because I tried on demo.chevereto.com with the same image and it worked without errors.
Because the demo has the error reporting disabled.
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