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How to Update the Script Now


Chevereto Member
there is no such thing
app/upgrading.php doesn't exist

and how to run that command if there is no such file

Thank you
One more question please

i have disabled the registration in my site
now i want one more users to upload and post contents
but the registration part will be disabled can i do that
please let me know
One more question please

i have disabled the registration in my site
now i want one more users to upload and post contents
but the registration part will be disabled can i do that
please let me know
🤨 Registration is not the same as login.
One more question please

i have disabled the registration in my site
now i want one more users to upload and post contents
but the registration part will be disabled can i do that
please let me know
If I understand your question properly, go to your dashboard, select "users" and then create a user account. No need for them the actually create an account. Ive not tested it but seems thats the easiest way. See the attached image.
