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How to properly update the software?


Chevereto Member
I am just wondering on the best way to update from version 3.5.19 to the newest 3.7.4

In the past I always downloaded the next version, installed that, then downloaded the version after that...and installed that. Well, I've missed a ton of revisions and that will take a ton of time. SO... can I just upload 3.7.4 or do I still need to update Chevereto in steps by each version release? Back in the day I remember being told to do it in steps but I was not sure if that was still the case?

Another thing of concern is when I clicked the CHECK FOR UPDATES on my admin panel it never told me that new versions were released. So now I'm really behind. I wonder why it still says I'm up to date????


Just download the latest and go from there. The system run the 'core' updates in order so you won't miss anything critical.

After that you can just run the upgrade function built in which updates automatically for you.
Thanks! I thought that I read somewhere that the 3.5.19 would update on its own when that check for updates was clicked. Not sure why that never worked. :(