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How to install at extremehost?


Chevereto Noob
I am tottaly new to this,downloaded the script and now i try to edit it.My host is extreemhost.

Do you guys know how to edit these things?

1. Open config.php and edit the definitions.
2. define ( ‘URL_SCRIPT’, ‘http://dev.chevereto.com/’) // run the script URL (url to be the root of the hosting)
3. define ( ‘DOM_SCRIPT’, ‘dev.chevereto.com’), / / domain or subdomain of the script (note, that affects whether or not to go with “www.”
4. define ( ‘PATH_SCRIPT’, ‘/ chevereto /’) / / Relative path from web carpera to the script (eg: / public_html / chevereto /) ‘/’ if you run in the root web.
5. define ( ‘PATH_SERVER’, ‘/ public_html /’. PATH_SCRIPT) / / The path to the server where your script, take note that PATH_SCRIPT. In this case is: / public_html / chevereto /
6. define ( ‘APP_NAME’, ‘DEV Chevereto’) / / What is your hosting
7. Also define the directoty paths.


1. Editing. Htaccess to work with your domain.


1. Edit in js / rules.js line 44.— Var url = ‘http://dev.chevereto.com/pref.php?url =’ + checked;and put your url in place of the default.

Your help is MUCH Aprreciated!!!!!!! :D
I've got the same problem, I downloaded the last version but when I got to my site it doesn't work.

It gives a 500 error...

But in de config.php under script it says *can't touch this*...