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How to give the server I have a problem of $ _SERVER


Chevereto Member
Can you give me an example or is filled manually from the server config

thank you for your help

define('SERVER_PROTOCOL', (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) == 'on' ) ? 'https://' : 'http://');

and then it's

define('__ROOT_DIR__', str_replace('\\','/',dirname(dirname(__FILE__))).'/'); // str_replace('\\','/',dirname(__FILE__))
define('__RELATIVE_ROOT__', str_ireplace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], '', __ROOT_DIR__));

ps: I am version 2.0.1
Good evening

I have version 2.01

On my server is like this

/ (mysite)
|-chevereto (in the folder of cheverero = api.php index.php upload.php)

as I go to my site adressse http://mysite/chevereto

Firefox has detected that the server redirects the request for this address in a way which will not happen.


/ (mysite) api.php index.php upload.php)

As I do that if I look at this link gives the contact address = http://www.mysite.fr/public_html/mysite/contact

here is a copied screen

That's where I'm from a completely Samain I swim and I do not understand this I do thank you for helping me courage not pert

good evening
thank you for your response I think I'll wait rodolfo version 2.02

Can you help me to fill the paths root.je thank you

config de mon serveur

monsite.fr is an example

    [REDIRECT_SCRIPT_URL] => /chevereto/
    [REDIRECT_SCRIPT_URI] => http://www.monsite.fr/chevereto/
    [REDIRECT_VH_PATH] => /var/www/sites/monsite/public_html/monsite
    [REDIRECT_SERVER_ROOT] => /var/www/sites/monsite/public_html/monsite
    [SCRIPT_URL] => /chevereto/
    [SCRIPT_URI] => http://www.monsite.fr/chevereto/ 
    [VH_PATH] => /var/www/sites/monsite/public_html/monsite
    [SERVER_ROOT] => /var/www/sites/monsite/public_html/monsite
    [HTTP_HOST] => www.monsite.fr
    [SERVER_NAME] => www.monsite.fr
    [DOCUMENT_ROOT] => /var/www/sites/monsite/public_html/monsite
    [SCRIPT_FILENAME] => /var/www/sites/monsite/public_html/monsite/chevereto/index.php
    [REDIRECT_URL] => /chevereto/index.php
    [REQUEST_URI] => /chevereto/
    [SCRIPT_NAME] => /chevereto/index.php
    [ORIG_SCRIPT_FILENAME] => /var/www/sites/monsite/public_html/monsite/cgi-bin/php5.fcgi
    [ORIG_PATH_INFO] => /chevereto/index.php
    [ORIG_PATH_TRANSLATED] => /var/www/sites/monsite/public_html/monsite/chevereto/index.php
    [PHP_SELF] => /chevereto/index.php

The line I am unable to meet thank you in advance

define('SERVER_PROTOCOL', (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) == 'on' ) ? 'https://' : 'http://');

define('__ROOT_DIR__', str_replace('\\','/',dirname(dirname(__FILE__))).'/'); // str_replace('\\','/',dirname(__FILE__))
define('__RELATIVE_ROOT__', str_ireplace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], '', __ROOT_DIR__));

good evening
I'm trying to fix the path issues. I have already fix one particular mistake but I need more environments to test.

jfrdavid, can you give me FTP access to your site? If you feel comfortable with sharing that info with me then please send me the details using this form http://chevereto.com/contact or send me an email to inbox@chevereto.com

if you don't feel comfortable sharing that info with me is ok, but it will be more difficult to analyze and solve this error.