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How to download youtube movies..?

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Chevereto Member
Hi friends..how to download youtube movies..? i tried all ways but no ne is working.not videos i am asking about movies..i tried different browsers different plugins different softwares different online website with idm also its not working please someone help me..in youtube any movie u can try to download.Please help...๐Ÿ™

Well, you can always use something like Fiddler and capture the request in local.
Seems nice, but google these days are sending shutdown request to these type of website because "it is against their TOS" (MPAA and RIAA being a bitch again...)

I read that too on TorrentFreak ๐Ÿ™‚

Just using YouTube's API, Downloading the MP4 and extracting the audio using free opensource tools ๐Ÿ™‚ and providing a nice pretty form and download link.

Nothing illegal about it. ๐Ÿ™‚ Google will loose or can fix this by turning off their API or locking it down to use API Keys or there will be a way to "get it" without using the API. ๐Ÿ™‚
It sounds nice and opensourced but is illegal and this is not a Google thing, is copyright violation. Thing is that this websites are making things pretty easy for people who wants to have a mp3 for free and they are on the right to block this.
Problem is that programs running on your PC could always do this and be unnoticed so they are just against the online services.
Mediahuman is a great software to download YouTube videos in high definition. But it's sadly paid, but not the MP3 Edition.
Thank u all for ur replies..no one is working wat u suggested here...๐Ÿ™
I need this movie..u can also try..
Ah that's one of the ones that doesn't work. Not sure how it's done but I have tried with that type of file before.

Google are threating sites as that to sue them now, lame. Shows that GOOGLE And YOUTUBE Support sopa.

Google do not support sopa, not at all!
But like any others company, they are bound to respect the laws in which they are established... which mean US laws...
And like everyone know, US aren't being lead by a president, but by company like Hollywood, who own MPAA, who want to pass the SOPA bill or any similar bill.
So Google has to respect what MPAA want, otherwise they will be prosecuted and maybe even shut down like megaupload.

So, if MPAA wants to sue somebody at low cost, they say, you (in this case google) sue these websites otherwise we will take actions against you.
I tried with YouTube Downloader and download helper (a Firefox extension) but no success... Sorry. BTW, this movie sucks ๐Ÿ˜€
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