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How to deploy this script on google cloud storage

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Chevereto Member
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Description of the issue
Please share a document where you specify how to deploy on Google cloud storage.

To be honest, I don't know how to deploy your website there. I have a doc about storage, but not about running the script on top of that.

Actually, your question is outside the scope of support. Think about Chevereto as a software application and the server is the computer where you install it.
Are you talking external storage? Or you want to run the script on the google compute platform?

For storage, see here.


For the script, build a VM that has the required dependancies (php, mysql etc).

Let me clear this, I just want to deploy chevereto 3.10.1 on Google App Engine. Can we deploy this? I'm asking because this is not as simple as we deploy website on a simple web hosting or computer. Can you help me on this issue?
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