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HOW to change cover image upload size ?

Home page? Or User?I assume you mean user-background and not what is classed as the cover...
Cover: In your theme CSS look for #home-cover, if it's not there simply add it. Then just define the size manually. Ideally if you use an image you won't want the gradient...
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Home page? Or User?
Not everything needs to be a setting. In your theme CSS look for #home-cover, if it's not there simply add something like the following (give or take on the padding). Then just define the size manually. Ideally if you use an image you won't want the gradient...
#home-cover {
    width: 100%;
    padding: 100px 0 100px 0;
    background-image: url(LINK HERE');
    color: #FFF;

thx but im looking for the img file size....currently its 1Mb max
In themes/Peafowl/footer.php Try it and let me know if it works.
CHV.obj.config = {
    image : {
        max_filesize: "<?php echo CHV\getSetting('upload_max_filesize_mb') . ' MB'; ?>"
    user: {
        avatar_max_filesize: "1 MB",
        background_max_filesize: "1 MB"

I think you need to change avatar_max_filesize because the JS calls that.
        if(user_file.size > CHV.obj.config.user.avatar_max_filesize.getBytes()) {
            PF.fn.growl.call(PF.fn._s("Please select a picture of at most %s size.", CHV.obj.config.user.background_max_filesize));

I've had trouble uploading images larger than 1.5mb they don't seem to want to go.
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Is hardcoded in the js and in the backend.
Yeah... I noticed this tidbit but even changing that I'm still having trouble getting it to upload files over 2mb.
CHV.fn.uploader = {
    options: {
        image_types: ["png", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "bmp"],
        max_filesize: "2 MB"
That doesn't do anything really...

        if(typeof CHV.obj.config !== "undefined" && typeof CHV.obj.config.image !== "undefined" && CHV.obj.config.image.max_filesize !== "undefined") {
            this.options.max_filesize = CHV.obj.config.image.max_filesize;

The 2 MB thing is just in case the injected options from footer are not there.

The thing for the javascript is this (app/themes/Peafowl/footer.php)
CHV.obj.config = {
    image : {
        max_filesize: "<?php echo CHV\getSetting('upload_max_filesize_mb') . ' MB'; ?>"
    user: {
        avatar_max_filesize: "1 MB",
        background_max_filesize: "1 MB"

And this one is for the backend (app/lib/classes/class.user.php
$image_upload = Image::upload($source, $user_images_path, ($type == 'avatar' ? 'av' : 'bkg').'_' . strtotime(G\datetimegmt()), ['max_size' => G\get_bytes('2 MB')]);