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How does this site have it so clicking image goes to another image?

Polar said:
Care to elaborate?

Well, if you never coded before, you wont understand the following... and I won't code it for you... except if you are ready to pay $5

Create a function named randomImage
using scandir you can get an aray of all the files in images, remove the . .. .htaccess from the array.
use a the php functions to randomize an number between 0 and the array length.
return the value of the key

in a file random, call the function and output in html tags the image path.
Danny.Domb said:
Polar said:
Care to elaborate?

Well, if you never coded before, you wont understand the following... and I won't code it for you... except if you are ready to pay $5

Create a function named randomImage
using scandir you can get an aray of all the files in images, remove the . .. .htaccess from the array.
use a the php functions to randomize an number between 0 and the array length.
return the value of the key

in a file random, call the function and output in html tags the image path.

Script done for $7.50

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