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Help with embedding comment code


Chevereto Member

I have a request for help. I found a very simple and light comment system without logging in and with simple moderation (cusdis.com). Unfortunately, the problem is that when I add the code below, the comment system works but does not recognize the commented page correctly, as a result, the same comment loads under each photo in the gallery. Do you know what I should enter in the places "{{ PAGE_ID }}" "{{ PAGE_URL }}" "{{ PAGE_TITLE }}" to make it work?

I tried with chatgpt and it suggested solutions that dynamically download the address of the page, image, link, etc. But it did not work for me 🙁

code implementation:

<div id="cusdis_thread"
data-page-id="{{ PAGE_ID }}"
data-page-url="{{ PAGE_URL }}"
data-page-title="{{ PAGE_TITLE }}"

<script async defer src="https://cusdis.com/js/cusdis.es.js"></script>
I'm afraid that we need to add some placeholders so it populates these values for you.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
I've been improving how external comments works and I've added the placeholders needed to use more systems. Chevereto will now offer placeholders {{ PAGE_URL }}, {{ PAGE_ID }}, {{ PAGE_TITLE }}, {{ LANGUAGE_CODE }} which should cover most comment systems.

Available from v4.2.4 onwards.
