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Force Resize

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Chevereto Member
I'm trying to force all uploads to resize to a width of 1,000px, however changing $to_resize = 1000; is not working for me. Also deleting the resize calls in the template index.php (I use Union templete)is also not working for me. It's giving me an error "no image was uploaded".

I also tried changing the section of code (in index.php):
    <input type="text" id="resize" name="resize"/><div id="resize-keep"><?php show_lang_txt('txt_resizing_keep'); ?></div>


    <input type="text" id="resize" name="resize" VALUE="1000"/><div id="resize-keep"><?php show_lang_txt('txt_resizing_keep'); ?></div>

Note the value="1000" and that's giving me the same error.

Hopefully it's an easy fix to get working.
Very strange... it's working now. But I have since gotten rid of it since it's resizing everything regardless if "over resize" is false. Thanks Rodolfo.
Is it possible to lower the quality of the image automatically? My goal is to keep large files down for faster loading, less space, and no need to cluster/or upgrade to two gigabit drops (in the future).

Imgur resizes auto which cuts down on image size... would anyone be willing to code this for me for a price?

Hrmm, I believe I found a bug in your $config['over_resize'] = false; command (it doesn't work).

If I try to upload a small image on the default Chevereto theme, and set resize to 1000, it still resizes this 16x16 image to 1000x1000.

Edit: for example on your demo: http://demo.chevereto.com/?v=dwvfy.png
Any update on this Rodolfo? If it's too much code, could it be rolled out next version?

Without any cluster support getting file size as low as possible is vital. Hope you understand.

Actually over_resize is not being used in the script I will include it on 2.1
Ok, is ready. Once you set over_resize to false the script won't allow over resize. Also I have fixed the resize function to don't resize when the image width is actually the same as the target resize size (saves memory)

Rodolfo said:
Ok, is ready. Once you set over_resize to false the script won't allow over resize. Also I have fixed the resize function to don't do resize when the image width is actually the same as the target resize size (saves memory)


Wait? You create configs that aren't used? XD Nice to know that it will be implemented in 2.1
Danny.Domb said:
Wait? You create configs that aren't used? XD Nice to know that it will be implemented in 2.1

I'm human.. Sometimes. This will be available since 2.1
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