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Chevereto version
Description of the issue
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Please keep in mind:
.htaccess pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable and that '/public_html/' is executable
thanks I asked to solve 🙂Your server log tells you exactly which is your error:
Code:.htaccess pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable and that '/public_html/' is executable
View attachment 1550
0750 should be 0755.
You should refer this to your hosting company. Chevereto support does not include server configuration or hosting issues.
You must "enter" the license. Make sure that app/license contains all the files from the official package then try to update again.
hello thanks I just did but same thing , whenever I am checking for updates i am getting same error "check for updates"Just upload app/license from your download package to /app/license in your server.
There is an Installer that does all the nasty install job for you but unfortunately, your server is blocking access to Chevereto.com and your server doesn't have ZipArchive (PHP). This will be a problem every single time because the update system works exactly the same as the installer. You will get issues in the future if you don't fix your server.
I was unable to run the Installer due to your server limitations so you will have to manually download the latest edition and manually upload all files via FTP, SFTP, SSH (whatever suits you better).
In any case, do please note that the scope of support doesn't include server support and that this kind of task (upload files) is your responsibility and I can't spend extra time on this. Like I said, the installer didn't work due to limitations on your server.