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Error when Uploading


Chevereto Member
🎯Description of the issue

Sometimes when i wanna upload some images i get this error:


▶🚶‍Reproduction steps


😢Unexpected result


📃Error log message

Hey there, sorry you are having issues.

1. I was unable to test your website directly because it requires login and singups are disabled in that website. If you want me to test, please send user credentials (REDACTED).
2. I need the error message (the actual contents of it). You can find information about debug here: https://chevereto.com/docs/debug

The error response varies depending on what triggered the error, that's why I need some more details.

I confirm that the account access is working, however I wasn't able to trigger the issue. To give you a proper response I need to run more tests on Monday.

In the meanwhile, try to replicate this incident in other devices or computers and write down the steps needed to trigger this. That will help me a lot to speed up the process.
I've conducted the tests and I found that your web server is not storing cookies properly.

The value of PHPSESSID cookie changes in every website load. This Indicates that the web server is removing the stored cookie. (Web browser inspect > Application > Storage > Cookies).

Cookies are required to store the visitor session, if that fails to deliver the system won't work as expected.
The problem is in your server, but I'm unable to tell you exactly where because it is impossible without taking a look to the setup at runtime.

Send server access to REDACTED (reference this topic).
Tested changing the session save path to a public folder and it didn't worked either. I don't think that the problem is on the cookie filesystem.

Far as I can tell, the web server that you are running is under a nginx proxy, labeled as "PleskLin". No matter which server you choose, the nginx proxy is always on front. The problem is that it seems that the proxy is not passing the cookies, seems that "SameSite=strict" is giving issues here.


You should take this directly with your server administrator as the software expects to handle the cookie directly, not via a set-cookie header.

I can't influence what the Nginx Proxy Server does. I have now only made a correction as it is set for me: to "Lax"
Maybe this solves the problem?

I found a strange thing in the database:

For other (my) installations, the value is set to InnoDB, just not for you. I don't know if that causes a problem too.
Attempting to put this on InnoDB also failed because there is probably a problem with the "full text search" in the table "images"

However, it can also be due to your MySQl version that is installed (cannot be updated).
So that a change to InnoDB is not possible.
I can't influence what the Nginx Proxy Server does. I have now only made a correction as it is set for me: to "Lax"
Maybe this solves the problem?
Session cookies are now working properly in your website. Seems that you fixed the problem already.

For other (my) installations, the value is set to InnoDB, just not for you. I don't know if that causes a problem too.
Attempting to put this on InnoDB also failed because there is probably a problem with the "full text search" in the table "images"
You are running MariaDB 5.5. Fulltext InnoDB requires MariaDB > 10.0.5 (current version is 10.4). You need to upgrade your MariaDB server then update the alleged tables.

Feel free to open a new ticket if you have problems or questions about the database issue.