Chevereto Member
Guys, I encountered an error while updating to version 4.2.0, something went wrong. Then I opened xrdebug and it showed this error:
* [ message] /app/src/Legacy/functions.php:1137
Has anyone else experienced the same issue?
If the Config::system()->sessionSaveHandler() method is returning something invalid, like null or an empty string, PHP won’t be able to start the session and will throw an error. To fix this, just make sure it’s set to a valid session handler like 'files', 'memcached', or 'redis'. How do I update this properly?
* [ message] /app/src/Legacy/functions.php:1137
Has anyone else experienced the same issue?
If the Config::system()->sessionSaveHandler() method is returning something invalid, like null or an empty string, PHP won’t be able to start the session and will throw an error. To fix this, just make sure it’s set to a valid session handler like 'files', 'memcached', or 'redis'. How do I update this properly?
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