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Error all of a sudden

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Chevereto Member

the site has been working along quite fine for a few days after the update to 3.5.5 - then this morning i logged into check on it, and this is what i've been greeted with.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in /home/mydive/public_html/app/loader.php on line 123

any ideas where this would have come from?

this is line 123

if(Login::getUser()['timezone'] !== Settings::get('default_timezone') and G\is_valid_timezone(Login::getUser()['timezone'])) {


This is getting weird... now i'm getting this error... and nothing has changed at all for days... so this has come right out of the blue....

Fatal error: Namespace declaration statement has to be the very first statement in the script in /home/mydive/public_html/app/loader.php on line 21
I haven't changed anything... last night before bed the site was up and running fine... this morning it's crashed as though it's been edited... i checked with my developer and he hasn't logged in for over a week....
The line AddHandler application/x-httpd-php54 .php54 .php was # out... i removed it so now it shows AddHandler application/x-httpd-php54 .php54 .php and still no go.... are you able to login and have a look at what's causing this?
Fatal error: Namespace declaration statement has to be the very first statement in the script in...

That means that someone (goblins?) edited your app/loader.php. My app/loader.php looks like this at the top:

/* --------------------------------------------------------------------


  @author    Rodolfo Berrios A. <http://rodolfoberrios.com/>

  Copyright (C) Rodolfo Berrios A. All rights reserved.

  --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  # This file is used to load G and your G APP
  # If you need to hook elements to this loader you can add them in loader-hook.php

namespace CHV;
use G, Exception;

So try to see if the error is something silly like an space or something before <?php
Just try to see what you have edited and compare it with the stock code. The issue is caused by bad editing that's all.
i had a couple of file encryped with Chinese characters before... so dunno....
Ah man that beats me... i just re uploaded the files from the upgrade that you had and now it's all good.... i tried that so many times before.... thanks for the help.
All sorted.. there appears to be a significant delay in refreshing the site because of the CDN.... issue's been resolved thank you.
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