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Embed codes linking to direct image

Already exists in the selection of embed codes available for each image, as long as they're enabled by the chv admin.
I believe that I removed those embed codes because I got plenty complaints against it. I could add them again but only as an optional feature.
Looking at how twitter & imgur do embeds now.

<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="hFICy17"><a href="//imgur.com/hFICy17">View post on imgur.com</a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Using javascript with real time counters and such.

I do like that embeded views count towards image views.
Looking at how twitter & imgur do embeds now [...]

Actually you don't need JS to achieve that. A simple iframe will work but I don't know if that embed option is that popular or not. Embed for albums sound good to me but fancy html embed for single images? I don't think that is needed.

Also, allowing websites to do embed casting dynamic code (or any thing that triggers your database or anything in the backend) will consume several more server resources than a conventional <img>.