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Embed code in same order with reference to upload order


Chevereto Member
I shared a lot of my images on forums. At times, the sequence or order of the images placed are important.

Chevereto as with other images host scripts, have the same issue in term of the upload logic - the upload order and the output (embed) code are reverse. Example - upload 12345 >> embed code 54321

Many times, I manually reverse and sorted them according. This is very time consuming and frustrating.

Would be nice if we could have an option to reverse the embed code so they are in the same order as the upload.

Thanks in advance
Is not a bug or missing feature, is how the browser file picker works. When you select files with your browser (multiple files) it doesn't detect direction. For the browser is the same if you do a drag select from left to right, right to left, bottom to top, etc. It will always apply the same order.