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Drag & drop & clipboard

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I think Chevereto should have a drag and down feature & a clipboard feature that allows you to drag your file onto the page and something where you copy an image and then CTRL + V on the page.
Yep, that is in consideration. In the new upcoming uploader is 100% sure that we will have drag & drop uploads.
Are you talking about the HTML5 uploader Rod?

If so, that would be amazing. Plus a lot more compatible.
Are you talking about the HTML5 uploader Rod?

If so, that would be amazing. Plus a lot more compatible.

Yes, it most likely that the new uploader will be the 2.5 release.
It can be done that soon, at least if you want a quality stuff and not a crappy implementation :p
Quality sounds better, Have you taken into consideration the clipboard paste? This is really popular these days as well as drag & drop.
Copy paste image upload? Hmmm I will need to investigate that.
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