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Don't show other images when in private folder

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Chevereto Member
This should just be changed for the script. When you make a private folder (viewable with link) and give a link out, it shouldn't show other images in folder on the image view page.
Chevereto privacy works by album, not by individual images.

But I understand that sometimes you only need to share one image and do it in private. It will be a complete pain in the ass to create an album for each individual private image. I think that an easy way to fix this is to add a checkbox option for each album where you enable/disable the gallery view when the album is private.

What you think?
No I get that.

My thought are, you out an album in private to never share - no sharing of any, no link generation.

Public to share images - you don't care if people see all in the album, so have a spot to show images in album

private with link - you might want to share one or two images here and there with others, but you don't want user x to see half the images there, so no other images in album spot at the bottom of the page
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