👽 Chevereto Freak
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As announced on this post, on the next update banned users will not be able to access the website at all.
It is a good idea when you intend to ban spammers, but in case you want to soft ban users for violating TOS of the website, it is an overkill. We want users to be able to use contact form, or visit other intended pages even after they're banned.
Specially, it doesn't make sense if users can't access the tos, privacy, contact and payment page, when we are explaining to them why they're banned. I usually send link to these pages to the users, so they can read about it in detail, or contact us from contact page. Once they fix the issue that was violating the terms of service, their account is unbanned.
Implementation of denying access to these users completely from the website will going to do more harm than good. Spammers usually don't try to access the website after uploading the images and writing keyword rich account description. And they usually always use different IP address each time.
One solution for this can be two state of bans. Hard-ban, Soft ban. We can call it restricted & banned respectively.
Another option is to logout user after showing the 403 error. So, next time they visit website they can access the website as guest.
Please don't deny access to banned users completely. It will break the moderation, which is already too difficult with the current available tools.
I know I am jumping to the assumption once again without testing the final product, but if it is what I understand, it will do more harm than good.
Because good users will not be able to use contact form to fix the issue after minor violations.
👏Where did you see this?
No where.
🔥Interest outside our community
As announced on this post, on the next update banned users will not be able to access the website at all.
It is a good idea when you intend to ban spammers, but in case you want to soft ban users for violating TOS of the website, it is an overkill. We want users to be able to use contact form, or visit other intended pages even after they're banned.
Specially, it doesn't make sense if users can't access the tos, privacy, contact and payment page, when we are explaining to them why they're banned. I usually send link to these pages to the users, so they can read about it in detail, or contact us from contact page. Once they fix the issue that was violating the terms of service, their account is unbanned.
Implementation of denying access to these users completely from the website will going to do more harm than good. Spammers usually don't try to access the website after uploading the images and writing keyword rich account description. And they usually always use different IP address each time.
One solution for this can be two state of bans. Hard-ban, Soft ban. We can call it restricted & banned respectively.
Another option is to logout user after showing the 403 error. So, next time they visit website they can access the website as guest.
Please don't deny access to banned users completely. It will break the moderation, which is already too difficult with the current available tools.
I know I am jumping to the assumption once again without testing the final product, but if it is what I understand, it will do more harm than good.
Because good users will not be able to use contact form to fix the issue after minor violations.
👏Where did you see this?
No where.
🔥Interest outside our community