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Custom header/pages & Translations


Chevereto Member
Hi Rodolfo,

I've got two questions...

1. How does the translation in "pages" work?
For example, when I insert the german word "Datenschutz" in here, it is correctly translated to "Privacy". This also works with "Nutzungsbedingungen" --> "Terms of Service".
// Some G\ magic, set the page doctitle from theme file
G\Handler::$vars['doctitle'] = 'Datenschutz - ' . G\Handler::$vars['doctitle'];
Other words are not translated. So I guess these words are part of the "core"-translation?
Is there a way to get custom page-titles translated?

2. I don't get the custom hooks to work, according to add some META tags. This solution does not work (white screen on homepage, but pictures are shown... weird)
Could you please explain how to add some (facebook)-tags like og:title, og:description, og:image-url....
And of course to add some META-tag like "description" and so on...

Thanks a lot for your amazing work!
1. You need to add those extra words. Best thing is to create a custom page for each lang. You can create a folder inside the pages folder like "terms" and inside that put de.php, en.php etc. Then load the one that you need to use in the main page.

2. First you should try to do it just by html. Now, HTML in PHP is like this:
/* I'm PHP CODE */
<p>I'm HTML CODE!</p>
<?php echo "<p>I'm also HTML CODE</p>"; ?>
<p>And I'm HTML with <?php echo 'PHP'; ?> CODE</p>

So most likely is just a syntax error.
Hi Rodolfo,

Thanks for your help, but there's still some question ;-)

Then load the one that you need to use in the main page.
How do I do this?

2. It works, but how can I overwrite some Tags?
For example: If I set a new <title> in the custom header.php, two <title> tags are parsed ...
if(!defined('access') or !access) die('This file cannot be directly accessed.');
/* Add here your custom header code */

<title>New Page Title </title>

3. Where can I find all the "get_image" and other parameters? Are there any docs, or at least could you tell me in which file i could search them ?
For example, the get_image() outputs an arry, but I need the image-url...
<meta property="og:title" content="<?php echo get_doctitle(); ?>" />
<meta property="og:url" content="<?php echo get_image(); ?>" />
<meta property="og:image" content="<?php echo get_image(); ?>" />
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1. Something like include("de.php"); where "de" can be known using CHV\get_lang_used()['short_name']
2. <title> is something that you must control from the route or at least in header.php. The other alternative is use chevereto-hook.php file which is in the app folder.
3. get_image or get_album or anything is actually a shorthand for G\Handler::$vars. You can just var_dump(G\Handler::$vars) and see all the vars handler by the handler.
Sorry, I have the same problem))
I have done differently, I thought that is logical, but does not work.

#: ../../../app/themes/Peafowl/header.php:309
#: ../../../app/themes/Peafowl/pages/tos.php:4
msgid "About Us"
msgstr "balblabla"

I just do not understand where and how to write this code CHV\get_lang_used()['short_name']