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Cross-platform Chevereto desktop application


👑 Chevereto Godlike
Chevereto Staff
Describe your feature request

Currently, Chevereto interaction is primarily available through the web interface. While this setup is effective for accessing your content from anywhere, the process of uploading media falls short. Most users rely entirely on the web uploader, which can be cumbersome, especially for large volumes of content. Although the bulk importer exists, it requires running a CLI tool on the application filesystem, which is not practical for many users.

A cross-platform desktop application could significantly enhance the upload experience. This application would replace the bulk importer functionality and work seamlessly with the HTTP API. By doing so, it would eliminate the need to upload content directly to the application filesystem, enabling a local-to-any workflow.

Where did you see this?
I recently developed another cross-platform application and realized this would be a fantastic addition to Chevereto.

Community interest
I’m not sure, what does everyone think? 😉
I could see this being useful for

  • multi-site administration...
  • or for image/storage/ relocation/optimization
  • for page optimization/customization tasks
( local / (WHERE POSSIBLE/feasble/reasonable/valuable - production-but-isolated-and-not-changing-the-public-version-able) preview of changes kinda thing) (ie like an a/b test but with a cohort of 1 😉 )
  • for database maintenance
  • for backup/restore
  • for deploy/upgrade
  • for theme modding
  • for giving you an abstraction layer to be able to bolt other integration systems into
(to allow ... say... slurp images from (insert program or platform here)

The scope of this application is the desktop user (not system admin). Its purpose is to overcome the restrictions of the web browser which will be very useful for bulk operations, async actions, etc.

Database maintenance, backup, restore, deploy, upgrade, theme and modding are system features that don't concern the front facing end user system. These features are out of the scope of this RFC.