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Create a forum in the exapmle.com/forums directory

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Database driver
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Web browser


Chevereto Member
I uploaded the script in the main directory but I can't set up a flarum forum.. or rather I installed it but it doesn't work :/

Why doesn't Ch allow me to set up a forum in the /forum directory.

Thanks a lot for helping.
In addition. I get critical errors in Yandex Webmaster indexing.

and it warns me that it produces a lot of duplicate content :/


Duplicate pages with GET parameters were foundSome pages with GET parameters in the URL duplicate the contents of other pages (without GET parameters). For example, https://example.com/tovary?from=mainpage duplicates https://example.com/tovary. Because both pages are crawled, it might take longer for information about important pages to be added to the search database. This may affect the site's search status.

See examples. If the search has duplicates due to GET parameters, we recommend using the Clean-param directive in robots.txt so that the robot ignores insignificant GET parameters and combines signals from identical pages on the main page. When the robot learns about the changes made, pages with insignificant GET parameters will disappear from the search.

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