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Comment function


Chevereto Member
Hello, I would like to see a built-in comment function. I've read about it several times, but abdisquser has apparently never been implemented.

Discus and Facebook are simply not the solution
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I don't see that much interest on it, is not on my priorities list
Hi Rodolfo,
there are 2 RFCs for comments, one has been created by yourself:

One has 20 up-votes, making it the seconds most requested feature (first place is a reporting function).

Speaking about this as "not much interest" is a bit irritating for me.
My bad, yeah I see there's interest on it. I should sneak that one between tags and video.
i would also like a comment system for seperate photo's instead the reactions on the whole album.
Preferably Facebook comments with responsive design on the PC, tablet and phone
I think it's an important feature. What would YouTube, Instagram or Flickr be without comments?
My bad, yeah I see there's interest on it. I should sneak that one between tags and video.
If I sneak that instead of giving proper attention we will end up with a brittle implementation and is not the goal. I believe tags are more important, meaning that comments needs to be addressed once we get tags on Chevereto, not before.
I think it should be?
I was observing the way he coded the website, just trying to figure out the video tag code was located so that I could use custom tags or maybe try and use an alternative player, was a pain in the butt.

I don't imagine a comment system would be any easier, but from what I've been observing, @Rodolfo is doing a great job and I've never seen someone extremely dedicated in their work like him. Kudos, but I did find your comment funny as hell and I got a chuckle from it 🤣 (@james breese )