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Client Satisfaction Survey (2015)

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⭐ Chevereto Godlike
Chevereto Staff
On July 7th Chevereto will celebrate his 8th anniversary and just like in 2014 is the time of the year where I open the annual client survey which aims to collect precious feedback and check how I did this last year. The survey is only for clients, is anonymous and it won't take more than 5 minutes of your time.

The feedback collected helps me a lot to measure things and target the development where it needs most attention. The results of the survey will be disclosed so anyone will be able to see the public results.

If you are reading this please fill the form and help me to make Chevereto even better.

Link: Chevereto Client Satisfaction Survey (2015)

Hey guys, I've just closed the survey and I will like to share some stats about it. The idea is to talk about it so I can make an official announcement in the following weeks. So, without further ado here are the public results:


So what I'm seeing here is:
  1. Chevereto is doing a great job in both new features and constant updates. I will keep it in that way.
  2. Chevereto isn't doing great in documentation and new features? (Most likely some mixed the lack of some features with a bad or wrong new features schedule).
  3. 97.7% are satisfied with the purchase and Tech support (yay!)
  4. Seems that a large share want to turn Chevereto into a media sharing suite (33.3%)
  5. Image upload is by far the best Chevereto feature, which is actually what Chevereto is supposed to do.
  6. Worst stuff? Theme support and API
Basically I will keep the good stuff and I will improve everything else. I will try to cover almost everything.

The docs will be moved to a third-party website, something like readthedocs. The idea behind this is to make documentation more collaborative and easier to keep updated. What I don't understand is what kind of documentation is missing? Are you missing the get started guide/tips, maybe server configuration, theme editing, etc. At this time I don't know what are the missing entries on the documentation and I need your feedback to understand what kind of documentation you want.

I'm glad to announce that API will be improved in v3.8 with an user-based API so this won't be an issue in a couple months.

Theme support
I think that the problem is that there aren't themes for Chevereto. Main problem is that theme developers aren't that into theme development for Chevereto. Maybe theme documentation is awful, maybe the default theme is great and there's no need for something extra, maybe no one will pay $45-70 for a theme taking in consideration the base system cost, maybe there is no need for themes, etc.

My way to deal with this (it is just an experimental thing) is to rely customization on each user, just like how you can customize Gmail just to mention an example. So my idea is to keep allowing themes, but focus the customization in the end user via a simple theme editor (colors, fonts, etc.) so users can share this customization which is extremely easy to do. That will generate a lot of custom styles, most of them free and suitable for any installation out there.

This system is a current work in progress in Quickty but if it works I will push it into Chevereto asap.

Search, explorer, performance, etc.
The search function needs some tweaks but nothing hard to achieve and the explorer will be highly improved in v3.7. System performance is great so I'm assuming maybe some server issues? I don't know but if you see some performance issues you know that I will take care of that on sight. Most system optimizations (cron jobs, maintenance tools, etc.) will be added between v3.8 and v3.9.

Upcoming features
I'm seeing that the most wanted upcoming features are support for all media types, social features and premium accounts / affiliates. As I've mentioned before, social features will be added in v3.7 so that will get covered very soon.

Now, support for all media types. This is maybe a grey area because Quickty will indeed support all file types but Quickty will be a file sharing script, not a media sharing suite (is not the same at all). I've thought about evolve Chevereto into an all-media sharing system and I think that it could be in that way for Chevereto 4 which I will start to develop after Quickty.

Regarding premium accounts / affiliates / PPV, my idea was to add that into Chevereto 4 but I think that I could make it for v3.9 or maybe v3.10. This is because I don't want to halt this features that long until Chevereto 4. Most likely all the money making tools will be added to Chevereto 3.X.

Survey conclusions
The annual survey helps a lot to keep Chevereto on the right track and I will like to thank to all those who helped in this process because you help to make Chevereto what it is. At this time I won't confirm anything regarding Chevereto 4 because my focus is Chevereto v3.7 and Quickty v1.0 but if you want me to make an all-media sharing script take for sure that I will do it.

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Constructive criticism.

Chevereto should be noted for its ease of use and integrate the basic functions of the scripts in its class.

You may not see it necessary, but lacks a general page, not only in albums (I have seen reasonable requests or suggestions). And speaking of albums ... are difficult to create, the option is hidden and invisible to the user (do not have a magic ball).

On the other hand it is necessary to change the privacy of the images in the same way that you can 'select, edit, or delete adults'.

(google translator)
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I have just begun using it but been following it for many months and know of the constant updates. Also I got it free with Arvixe hosting so price/quality is great. Did not need the hosting but its an opportunity to try them seeing the good reviews about them. I looked around and found another image script that's better but its more expensive and to get all of Chevereto's features one needs to pay more money.
As far as I can see, the lack to create empty albums is bad but the worst thing is that it has only one theme included. I read that you plan to add customization options but what about including 3 or more totally different styles. Then everyone can play with the customization options for the style they like. Also what would be great is supporting all media file. So from image sharing it will become media sharing. I will post again once I use it for a while.
Themes are something that didn't worked for Chevereto.

This is mostly because people willing to pay for a theme on top of this doesn't make an attractive number for theme developers. So why you will spend several hours doing a Chevereto theme if you can make more money doing the same thing but in a system like WordPress? Thing is that Chevereto is built to allow you to create or customize it to fit your needs, which is something that I see everyday. But themes will be only there when I start to add more of them so from 1 theme we will jump to 3 themes or maybe more, but still.

So the thing is that I'm testing new ways to bring customization without hassles. Craft a theme is something that takes time and skills so I'm not interested in focus in that process because it will always get few results. Instead of that, I'm working in bring customization tools for those who don't have the skills. This customizations will be easier to create, implement and share so it will fill the gap.
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Any update on Mobile App Development?

I know only a minority voted for it. But I am still looking forward to it.
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Any update on Mobile App Development?

I know only a minority voted for it. But I am still looking forward to it.
It won't happen anytime soon, but when the new user based API arrives anyone will be able to play around and craft mobile apps.
Arvixe change the webserver to NGINX. great move.
Would you like to make a How To video to update this script. I doubtful do update myself. In Readme file, the clue is only backup all folder and update new file.
Very clear step to update is appreciate.
thanks for good script and support.
Would you like to make a How To video to update this script. I doubtful do update myself. In Readme file, the clue is only backup all folder and update new file.
Very clear step to update is appreciate.
thanks for good script and support.

There are an all new one-click update, it has been added to the last version (v3.6.8). So if you don't do any non-standard editing (I meant direct changes in core files) you only need to click one button to get the system updated in seconds.
just comparation : in 3.6.1 I can custom the top navbar look like bing.com (dark),
but in 3.6.8 it can not look like that.
I have change to : http://demo.chevereto.com/image/Wde
but the result still :

It just changed, like any software in the world it changes. An no, there is no non-transparent top bar if you want that you will need to achieve it via custom css or theme editing. Also, if you need help with that ask in the right section.

I used this script for short time, Its the best from what I have used before thats a fact. Oke the lack on some basic utilitys, will be come in the new 3.7, I think for a image sharing/community its almost very good. That there is only one person working on it has also his +, becouse the way is short wen we needed something or support!

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