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Chevereto V4 installer available


๐Ÿ‘‘ Chevereto Godlike
Chevereto Staff
Hey there,

The Installer is now available for V4! This will allow to install Chevereto in any compatible system, including shared hosting.

Here's a quick video I made:


๐Ÿ‘‰ You can check the quick guide here: https://v4-docs.chevereto.com/get-started/installation.html#using-the-installer
๐Ÿ˜ Check the repo here: https://github.com/chevereto/installer

โš ๏ธ Beta notice​

Important: Chevereto V4 is still beta software. We don't recommend using this software except for development/testing purposes.

Happy testing!
So, tried the installer. Failed. Went to a blank screen and hung there. Downloaded the files, uploaded, attempted to install; failed. So whats the trick for this one? Probably the host right... Its been on 3 so far. Remember, shared is a thing and if it is not going to function or if it is going to require a multitude of modification then is should not be marketed as such.

What error logs would you like to see?
NONE of what your little video clip shows happens so maybe, just maybe, a tiny bit of unpaid support for paid for software is in order. At least to get the basic functionality working.

I await the inevitable "its not the software" statements. I am trying hard here to support you and this software but that will end soon. This really should not be this problematic.
The installer is working, the problem is V4.0.0.beta.2 which is still very beta. I don't know what you expect about a beta? Around here betas are really unstable software.
Due to the peculiarities of my server environment, it cannot read this file ".env", is there another way or can I revert to using the V3 version of "settings.php" as the program's configuration file?

The .env file is actually the backup system, ideally for Chevereto V4 you will provide the environment variables using the web server, php-fpm (if applies) and the shell.
Due to the peculiarities of my server environment, it cannot read this file ".env"
Why and how your server is limiting that? Is this something documented or you just came to that conclusion? Let me emphasize that a .env file is just a plain file implemented in userland and used by countless projects. You should explain better why you can't use it.
If you have issues with this kindly open a Tech Support ticket.

Keep in mind that's this is beta software, and we test our software only on our official infra. If you want to donate infra for testing let us know, otherwise happy testing!