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Chevereto 420

chatgpt is amazing. i just started using it several months ago.
I've been using it to help me learn php and other linux things. I've been progressing much faster than before because before the only help i had was searching through links on google.

chatgpt is like having a private teacher helping me and that is super intelligent. I will be a php master someday soon.

It's mage generation is tricky but it's fun. Way better than spending time searching for images on google.

I told it to remake my avatar

I still learn coding the old way, which is to sniff on the inner workings of existing projects. Haven't dabbed ChatGPT for learning.

Anything special I may help you about PHP? I know a bit too much about it, feel free to ask.
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no questions yet, if i have i will come here,
thank you my sensei.


  • chevereto-php-master.webp
    357.6 KB · Views: 4