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Changing Default logo 3.03


Chevereto Member
Hey people, I've had difficulty with changing the default Chevereto logo and replacing it with one of my own

I saw that rodolfo stated i had to look in the header.php file of my theme, which i did. It led me to the folder containing:

Could someone please directly tell me what to do here, since I'm lost
The shortest way to do it is to replace the logo.svg with your own.

If you cant use svg, replace the logo.png then change the link to logo.svg with logo.png in the header file.

Favicon isnt the logo, only the... favicon.

Also it's not tech support but customization.
When i replace the logo.svg with my own, I get a box with a question mark..

And when i change the link, the whole site just goes blank

Wouldn't you say this is on the verge of tech support?

Please get back to me, thanks
Well it has nothing to do with the script, it's only an image, and yours gotta be invalid and that's all on your side (it works with the original svg, no reason not to work with a valid one).

Use the png, it may be easier for you (that's what I did aswell).
i presume you called your file: logo.png
Would you be able to show me the necessary snipped of code from header.php
I simply can't understand why it wouldn't work
Well of course you need to overwrite the old chevereto logo o_o.

<img class="replace-svg" src="<?php echo G\Render\get_theme_file_url("theme-img/logo.svg"); ?>" alt="Chevereto">

<img class="replace-svg" src="<?php echo G\Render\get_theme_file_url("theme-img/logo.png"); ?>" alt="Chevereto">

Seriously, there's nothing hardcore here. That's going to be hard for you if you cant change a file extension, just sayin. I'm not saying you should be a developer, but at least some knowledge in html/css should be required I guess but whatever.
No, I'm not saying i find this stuff difficult, its just that I've already tried all of the basics, even what you've told me, but to no luck whatsoever..
Thanks though, ill keep trying different things
well, that seems to have solved over an hour of frustration. ugh i overlooked such a small detail..
Thankyou, i wouldn't have realised without you