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Change main page


Chevereto Member

Here, I've delete the "Explorer" part because I don't want that pictures are visible for everybody. (I have also delete "Search" and "Aleatory" links on header)
So, I try to fill in the page, I have tried to put text like that :

So, I also would like to integrate upload tool on main page, like that :

There, the upload tool is displayed because I've clicked to "Envoyer", but I want it to appear directly.

I hope you will understand what exactly I want.

Thanks for your help !
There was an special css class for that, sadly I don't remember the name right now.
Rofl, and I'm not very experimented in CSS.. :(

Just have this part of code to help me, I think...

        <ul class="top-bar-left float-left">
                if(CHV\Login::getUser()['is_admin'] or CHV\get_chv_setting('enable_uploads')) {
            <li id="top-bar-upload" class="pop-btn"<?php if(!CHV\get_chv_setting('guest_uploads')) { ?> data-login-needed="true"<?php } ?>>
                <span class="top-btn-text"><span class="icon icon-cloud-upload"></span><?php _se('Upload'); ?></span>
Let me deal with the installations issues and other bugs first. But I had that class in the system but is a large file to lookup which class was ans involves editing the header and the uploader so is not just find the classes but the combination. I removed that function from the original design due that no one liked it =/
Ha yes, it's harder than I thought lol

But it's not a problem, I can waiting, when you think you have enough time to help me about that, let me know. ;)
yah, same here, I want Upload box to be displayed open by default and under it explorer.
To have the upload box open edit style.css index.php and add display: block; to #anywhere-upload. You will have to set margin-top: 300px; to body and hide the close button and upload button in the header.

#anywhere-upload {
    z-index: 100;
position: absolute;
    scroll: auto;
    display: block;

margin-top: 300px;

.upload-box-close {
display: none;

#top-bar-upload {
display: none;
position: absolute; will make the upload form move when you scroll.

You need to hide them because if you close the upload form the body will have a 300px margin-top which will not look good.
This may not be the best method but it's a workaround if you need it bad.
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