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Can't set Watermark

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If the system says that it can't do something is because it can't do something. Try to check your folder permissions.
but it dosen't save the settings... and no error

Mos likely you did a wrong update. Prior to 3.2.4 update script didn't validate the integrity of app/install so the users who skip this folder faced issues related to wrong settings. To fix this you will need to login to your PHPMyAdmin and change the installed version from 3.2.4 to 3.2.2 (or your prior install). Then make sure to upload the app/install folder.

You can check this topic for a real life case: https://chevereto.com/community/threads/cant-manage-banners.4569/#post-26188
Mos likely you did a wrong update. Prior to 3.2.4 update script didn't validate the integrity of app/install so the users who skip this folder faced issues related to wrong settings. To fix this you will need to login to your PHPMyAdmin and change the installed version from 3.2.4 to 3.2.2 (or your prior install). Then make sure to upload the app/install folder.

You can check this topic for a real life case: https://chevereto.com/community/threads/cant-manage-banners.4569/#post-26188

Thats the Problem :(

Can you please help me clean up my DB and update it.

1. Remove everything from row 68 and above (68,69,70, etc)
2. Change this: chevereto_version_installed to 3.2.2 in chv_settings
3. Make sure that app/install is the one from 3.2.4
4. Run /install.php
the value of "chevereto_version_installed" is 3.2.0 at the moment.
It's that ok? Can i switch it to 3.2.2?
i have done it and now it works :D
Thank you very much!!!
Is that a Problem that my versions stands at 3.2.0?
just to be sure you should check this:
    $settings_updates = [
        '3.0.0' => [
            'analytics_code' => NULL,
            'auto_language' => 1,
            'chevereto_version_installed' => G_APP_VERSION,
            'cloudflare' => NULL,
            'comment_code' => NULL,
            'crypt_salt' => G\random_string(8),
            'default_language' => 'en',
            'default_timezone' => 'America/Santiago',
            'email_from_email' => 'no-reply@chevereto.com',
            'email_from_name' => 'Chevereto',
            'email_incoming_email' => 'inbox@chevereto.com',
            'email_mode' => 'phpmail',
            'email_smtp_server' => NULL,
            'email_smtp_server_password' => NULL,
            'email_smtp_server_port' => NULL,
            'email_smtp_server_security' => NULL,
            'email_smtp_server_username' => NULL,
            'enable_uploads' => 1,
            'error_reporting' => 0,
            'facebook' => 0,
            'facebook_app_id' => NULL,
            'facebook_app_secret' => NULL,
            'flood_uploads_day' => '1000',
            'flood_uploads_hour' => '500',
            'flood_uploads_minute' => '50',
            'flood_uploads_month' => '10000',
            'flood_uploads_notify' => 0,
            'flood_uploads_protection' => 1,
            'flood_uploads_week' => '5000',
            'google' => 0,
            'google_client_id' => NULL,
            'google_client_secret' => NULL,
            'guest_uploads' => 1,
            'listing_items_per_page' => 12,
            'maintenance' => '',
            'recaptcha' => 0,
            'recaptcha_private_key' => NULL,
            'recaptcha_public_key' => NULL,
            'recaptcha_threshold' => 5,
            'theme' => 'Peafowl',
            'twitter' => 0,
            'twitter_api_key' => NULL,
            'twitter_api_secret' => NULL,
            'upload_filenaming' => 'original',
            'upload_image_path' => 'images',
            'upload_max_filesize_mb' => 2,
            'upload_medium_width' => '500',
            'upload_storage_mode' => 'datefolder',
            'upload_thumb_height' => '160',
            'upload_thumb_width' => '160',
            'website_description' => 'A free image hosting service powered by Chevereto',
            'website_doctitle' => 'Chevereto image sharing',
            'website_name' => 'Chevereto'
        '3.0.1' => NULL,
        '3.0.2' => NULL,
        '3.0.3' => NULL,
        '3.0.4' => NULL,
        '3.0.5' => NULL,
        '3.1.0' => [
            'website_explore_page' => 1,
            'theme_peafowl_home_uid' => '1'
        '3.1.1' => NULL,
        '3.1.2' => NULL,
        '3.2.0' => [
            'twitter_account' => 'chevereto',
            'theme_peafowl_download_button' => 1,
            'enable_signups' => 1
        '3.2.1' => NULL,
        '3.2.2' => [
            'favicon_image' => 'favicon.png',
            'logo_image' => 'logo.png',
            'logo_vector' => 'logo.svg',
            'theme_custom_css_code' => NULL,
            'theme_custom_js_code' => NULL
        '3.2.3' => [
            'website_keywords' => 'image sharing, image hosting, chevereto',
            'logo_vector_enable' => 1,
            'watermark_enable' => 0,
            'watermark_image' => 'watermark.png',
            'watermark_position' => 'center center',
            'watermark_margin' => '10',
            'watermark_opacity' => '50',
            'banner_home_before_cover' => NULL,
            'banner_home_after_cover' => NULL,
            'banner_home_after_listing' => NULL,
            'banner_image_image-viewer_foot' => NULL,
            'banner_image_image-viewer_top' => NULL,
            'banner_image_after_image-viewer' => NULL,
            'banner_image_after_header' => NULL,
            'banner_image_before_header' => NULL,
            'banner_image_footer' => NULL,
            'banner_content_tab-about_column' => NULL,
            'banner_content_before_comments' => NULL,
            'banner_explore_after_top' => NULL,
            'banner_user_after_top' => NULL,
            'banner_user_before_listing' => NULL,
            'banner_album_before_header' => NULL,
            'banner_album_after_header' => NULL
        '3.2.4' => NULL

If you have all those values in your database then you should not worry.
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