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Can't Login

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Chevereto Member
Similar issue to: http:// [remove] chevereto.com/community/threads/cannot-login.3595/

However, his fix with the RewriteBase didn't work. Willing to send URL and credentials for help on the debug!

Thanks in advance.
Actually is a mod_rewrite issue.

Open .htaccess and change this:
#RewriteBase /chevereto

To this:
RewriteBase /

Does it works now?
Unfortunately it doesn't. That was the first thing I tried when I found that other user who had the same issue.

.htaccess snippet:
# Turn on mod_rewrite​
RewriteEngine On​
# If you have problems with the rewrite rules remove the "#" from the following RewriteBase line​
# You will also have to change the path to reflect the path to your Chevereto installation​
RewriteBase /​
Sadly, mod_rewrite also resides in the core of the httpd.conf file. If the AllowOverride settings are incorrect mod_rewrite won't work at all.
That was the issue! I had mod_rewrite enabled, but then in the httpd.conf had 'AllowOverride None'

Thanks for the help! I'm gonna go bang my head on a wall now :]
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