Actually Disqus has showed us that the comments are not big a big deal in Chevereto so I won't think in an own comment system by now.
Not really. Disqus don't show any vision on internal comments system. Why because it missing allot of important parts that run the messages around. Discus is interesting on blog post where people don't care about the interaction. It is notting for an image hosting site only if somebody don't care about socialise websites and only care about an big online photo garbage bin( only for forum usage ) this is just money wasting on data traffic, if we do that we also don't need google ads because forums only show the images.
The important keys from an comments system are:
Users can comment on photos, photo owners receive signal that somebody comment on a photo/// disqus don't do that, photo owner never know if somebody give reactions on his photos. They only know if they start looking the collection one by one 1000 times if somebody have 1000 photos. So people don't gonna use disqus, and if they use they don't receive response because owners don't know. People do not like talking against something that don't response. Biggest reason that I do not use disqus and also do not provide this options to my own shopping or following customers.
Comment system need an 1 by 1 comment system and 1 by 2 . People can reacting global, and people can react on an other user, this outsider receive also signal about the new message below his reaction. Just simple explanation clone the Facebook message system,
Comment system is so simple. Let's extend it to comments/ message system. Example!!! Private messages on users profiles, and an small messages wall on front end user profile. Just make it interesting for photo graphers! I have again allot of fantastic example sites for you that missing chevereto stuff but aremore powerful with small parts of
Do you want an killer machine website, start an group like system also. Person can startup an own group and moderate, other people can join this group and add his photos to this group, but can also message,reacting here inside this groups on an own group wall, just inspire the Facebook group system. Lovely for bird spotting people, aviation spotting ,train spotting, photo models and more and more.
Take a look around you
😉 inspire your self and see what is happening on photo websites and photos. one example with hug amount of people talking and chatting on photos. And this is not the only example I have allot for you. And believe me this commenting is an drug for people they love reactions on photos. They stay doing that. And because this they generate interesting traffic that can earn money. They stay uploading great photos. And they will raise the quality from images.
And forget that simple image hosting idea if you like to have more new customers, start thinking about an multi purpose system. ( give community's , Facebook groups, users, an place where they can explore,interact or share great photos.) . Now it need Social image hosting as name. The world is multi purpose now and not single usage anymore, we have already the right tools for that online. I know what I tell here is allot of work, but think about it, if it is to expansive to create offer social expansion package on the normal chevereto package. So people can choice just forum image hosting bin or extend it to an lovely social photo hosting community. Social chevereto.
But back to disqus ,, sorry rodolfo you cannot compare it with an internal system that have allot of more powerful connections that disqus don't have. And you know that also
😉 it cost only allllot of work to create good message system.