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Back up best practices


Chevereto Member
I'm tightening up my backup routine and got to thinking about best practices for a proper and complete backup. My install is likely a bit different from most as I use FreeBSD as my OS and my Chevereto instance is installed in a jail. Mostly I've been just been relying solely on snapshots of the jail for backup purposes along with a daily database dump that is saved in a separate dataset. My images are kept in a separate dataset mounted to the images directory so that if I did have to rebuild the jail the images would all be intact. This is all done via cron jobs and simple backup scripts, no cPanel or other such tools that a lot of people are used to using.

All this got me thinking if I had to rebuild the site from scratch would I have everything I need to get the site back up and running again? I'm curious to what others backup in their installation and if maybe I'm missing anything to get my site back up in the case of a catastrophic failure of some sort. Are there any other files I would need to restore to a fresh install to get it back functioning as it were before.

I'd love to hear your thoughts.
The dumps are on a separate dataset from the install on the same server and then synced daily to my desktop. I host my own site from home.
I'm tightening up my backup routine and got to thinking about best practices for a proper and complete backup. My install is likely a bit different from most as I use FreeBSD as my OS and my Chevereto instance is installed in a jail. Mostly I've been just been relying solely on snapshots of the jail for backup purposes along with a daily database dump that is saved in a separate dataset. My images are kept in a separate dataset mounted to the images directory so that if I did have to rebuild the jail the images would all be intact. This is all done via cron jobs and simple backup scripts, no cPanel or other such tools that a lot of people are used to using.

All this got me thinking if I had to rebuild the site from scratch would I have everything I need to get the site back up and running again? I'm curious to what others backup in their installation and if maybe I'm missing anything to get my site back up in the case of a catastrophic failure of some sort. Are there any other files I would need to restore to a fresh install to get it back functioning as it were before.

I'd love to hear your thoughts.
My site is too big for that. I have upwards of 3TB of images and video. My solution was rsync to a separate VPS for content and daily, weekly db dumps to remote storage. "case of a catastrophic failure of some sort" I simply update DNS to other VPS and change a firewall setting.