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Automatically switch to local storage when external fails


👽 Chevereto Freak
The new notification for external storage failure is very useful. However it would be more useful if it automatically switches to local storage when external fails.

I am guessing it won't be hard to implement this as we just need to remove enable tick of external storage along with sending first login failure email.

PS: I got over 150 notifications in 3 different languages when my external storage failed for 2 hours. This will be also fixed by implementing this feature.
I think this thread should be moved to bugs section if this feature is already present.
Agreed. I am pretty sure I lost users when my external storage had a hiccup and went down earlier this month. 347 alerts should've been more than enough for the system to switch to another drive or to local.

I've been manually having to do it.
I'm experiencing the same. If you have more than one external storage active the system should prioritize the secondary storages before local? I too get login error and no upload notifications when SFTP fails. Would be really nice to have this function working if it's already there (I didnt know we had it)
Sure, but I'm about to start V4 development which will the standard for the next 5+ years. Don't expect any development on external storage for a while.