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Automatic metadata based tagging


🥑 Chevereto Godlike
Chevereto Staff
💡Describe your Feature request

With the introduction of tags in v4.2.0, we can now automatically generate tags based on file metadata (e.g., EXIF data). The focus of this topic isn't whether this feature will be added (it will), but rather which tags should be considered for automatic generation.

Also, we need to determine the alternatives:
  • Always turned on or on/off global setting?
  • User-configurable?
  • Per-upload configurable?
Tags to consider:
  • EXIF make
  • EXIF model
  • (Feel free to suggest more)
👏Where did you saw this?

On a computer display.

🔥Interest outside our community

Flickr seems to add a gazillion tags per photo, being more specific they tag EXIF make (for example "Canon") and the camera model (for example "Canon Powershot 1810").