▶ Reproduction steps
You'll see the notification that "X" user has liked your album and that when you go to see which album, the link takes you to the same page you are on. For instance if you are on your homepage, click on the album the user liked you'll be linked to the homepage, instead to the album!
📃 Error log message
- Create two accounts.
- Login on account #1 and create an album.
- Login on account #2 and like that album
- Go back to account #1 (login) and open up the notification.
You'll see the notification that "X" user has liked your album and that when you go to see which album, the link takes you to the same page you are on. For instance if you are on your homepage, click on the album the user liked you'll be linked to the homepage, instead to the album!
📃 Error log message