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Advanced SEO Optimization


Chevereto Member
💡Describe your Feature request

I want to highlight an opportunity for Chevereto to significantly enhance its value proposition by adding more advanced SEO tools. Given Chevereto's potential to transform each image page into a fully indexed asset, it's clear that with the right tools, galleries containing thousands of pages could easily gain prominence in image discovery via search engines.

In 2024, many CMS solutions already include these SEO tools as standard features. However, Chevereto seems to be lacking in this area. Here are the key features I believe it should implement to help users maximize the visibility and searchability of their images:

  1. Metadata and Structured Data
    Title Tags and Meta Descriptions:
    Each image page should have the ability to include a unique title tag and meta description that accurately represents the content. This is essential for search engine indexing and ranking.
  2. Schema Markup
    Implementing schema markup would provide structured data about images, making it easier for search engines to properly index and display these images in search results. This is a crucial step towards improving search visibility.
  3. Alt Text
    The ability to add descriptive alt attributes to each image is fundamental for SEO. It helps search engines understand the content of the images.
  4. XML Sitemap
    Generating an XML sitemap that includes all image URLs would be incredibly beneficial. This sitemap could be submitted to Google Search Console, aiding in the indexing process and ensuring that all images are discoverable.

👏Where did you see this?

Many CMS solutions working with images have it

🔥Interest outside our community

Even Google calls for it: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/appearance/google-images