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Admin-panel 2.0(SQL) RELEASE : TBA


Chevereto Noob
hi guys i figured id better make a thread for the new version.

heres a quick sneak peak at what its going to look like.


theres a massive changelog for this release, that why ive skipped a few version numbers.

ill hopefully make a release over the weekend or early next week.

Admin Panel V2.0 for NB 1.91


- Fixed LANG support.(most of it)
- Added Logging system - flat file but will later become SQL based.
- New Template
- Fixed sessions for beter security
- Fixed Mysql queries to prevent injection hacks
- Rebuilt image stats system into a robust site stats logging system
- Fixed install so only admins can upgrade versions
- Converted all code into php in prep for a themeing system
- Re-wrote some functionality for better script performance
- Changed index and engine.php to use functions insead of hard coded
- Added add/remove admin functions

RELEASE DATE : Late Feb / Early March
SanniHameln said:
Cool, I'm waiting for the release.
Can we then also create multiple users with different rights?

as i said above, there is a massive changelog for this version. im currently finishing off some better site statistics logging, then i will finish off the add admin functions. as for admin levels, yes you will be able to set them levels, but at present i havent sifted through the code to change what levels of admin can access what, so with this version it will render useless except for updating the script. i have implemented that only a level 10 admin(Founder/owner) can update to the latest version, and also re-install a fresh copy(if a copy exists) this should stop other admins from messing with the install.php if its accidently left on the server.

i will be adding a base function to delete images by ip for this release, but in future releases i have much more work to do with the browse page, enabling deletion of multiple items by check box, better filtering so you can "filter" images by ip and dates etc so you can physically see the images, full admin rights will be implemented with permissions being able to be set upon certain things.

anyway, ive given out 2 much info as it is haha wait for the release, im exited, as its a big jump from what was previously released. massive credit to WARLORD for the original code/addon and inspiring me to work on it.
gogogogogogogo, its that working if i already have like 5.500 images already in 4 different folders ? (like images, i2, i3, i4) ?
sorry, might aswell delete this thread, i will not be releasing any future versions of the admin backend. Since the new img hosting script is $30USD and im a strong believer in free open source, and i could(which i have) written my own front end in all of 4 hrs which does exactly the same things as what ppl are paying for. anyone with half a brain and a little php/java knowledge could whip up the same thing as this in a few hrs.

sorry guys. but i dont believe anyone should be paying for this image hosting script.

and no i will not release my own version any time soon. sorry rodolfo, nice script, but using prebuilt plugins for jquery isnt worth paying for.
Oh man i was happy about v2 of admin panel your admin panel... but now? 30$ for chevereto standalone? NEVER! This was my last time here. Sry Admin chevereto was a great idea and now you destroy it...

due to popular demand it looks like i will be finishing off this version of the admin panel. ive had an overwhelming amount of pm's about it so i will complete this 1st release and may continue work on it and release some future versions.
sorry guys, had to put this on the back burner for a few months, had to go overseas for work. ill pick the project up again when i can.
Please Bonkaz finish this project :p I want to allow users to login to my page. Will that be included in your release. That qould be so great :) Tnx. You are the best :D