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data-login-needed download=
1. "app/themes/Peafowl/views/image.php"
2. Type "Ctrl+F" in your keyboard and enter "download=", you should find this:
3. Change it to this:HTML:download=
4. Click "Save" then upload that to your FTP.HTML:data-login-needed download=
I didn't wanted to put you the code right away because I believe that is good for you to learn basics of HTML if you run a website. Don't take me wrong, you don't need to be an expert to run a website, but I think that anyone with a website should be familiar with the basics of HTML.
<div class="header-content-right">
<?php if(CHV\getSetting('theme_download_button')) { ?>
<a href="<?php echo get_image()['url']; ?>" data-login-needed download="<?php echo get_image()['filename']; ?>" class="btn btn-download default" rel="tooltip" title="<?php echo get_image()["width"] . ' x ' . get_image()["height"] . ' - ' . strtoupper(get_image()["extension"]) . ' ' . get_image()["size_formatted"]; ?>"><span class="btn-icon icon-download"></span></a>
<?php } ?>
if(CHV\getSetting('enable_likes')) {
<a class="btn-like" data-type="image" data-id="<?php echo get_image()['id_encoded']; ?>" data-liked="<?php echo (int)get_image()['liked']; ?>" data-action="like">
<span class="btn btn-liked blue" rel="tooltip" title="<?php _se("You like this"); ?>"><span class="btn-icon icon-heart3"></span><span class="btn-text phone-hide"><?php _se('Liked'); ?></span></span>
<span class="btn btn-unliked blue outline"><span class="btn-icon icon-heart4"></span><span class="btn-text phone-hide"><?php _se('Like'); ?></span></span>
<?php if(CHV\getSetting('theme_show_social_share')) { ?>
<a class="btn red" data-modal="simple" data-target="modal-share"><span class="btn-icon icon-share"></span><span class="btn-text phone-hide"><?php _se('Share'); ?></span></a>
<?php } ?>
Which web browser are you using for testing this? The download attribute isn't standard yet, not all the web browsers implement it.
Make sure you have it like this
"data-login-needed download="
And not like this
" data-login-needed download="
So remove the space infront of data and behind " so more likely between these and see if it works then.
In doubt, always check the source code.
View attachment 1844
There's no "data-login-needed" attribute present in the output HTML.
Make sure that you don't have similar image.php inside the override folder if you do then you gota edit that one instead of original oneHow is that possible if I'm editing the image.php file? There is only one image.php file in that path...