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A function to select general or adult images?

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Chevereto Noob

Is there a fucntion to let the uploader select the image is general or adult images?
And we could put different ads between general or adult page.

So you would add this as standard function in coming version?

Yes, but the process here is quite long. As you may see there is a ton of accepted suggestions: http://chevereto.com/community/forums/requests-ideas-and-suggestions.1/?prefix_id=6 and I really like to meet the expectations so that's why some features are made only when other feature (that support this "child" feature) is created. The way to determine what code first/last is the word of the clients. If the clients want a feature "B" more than a feature "A" I aim for that "B" feature first.

Like I said, this has been asked before (NSFW/SFW) and I've accepted it, this means that it will be added to the system, most likely on 4.0 but if the popular demand keeps pushing over I will do it on 3.X ;)
As I am just coming onto this site and have been browsing around, the idea about the separation of adult images is one I really would like to see. As I run a very clean website already and am trying to venture into the imaging side of things with this one, security is my main feature. With that said, I truly believe security goes beyond my administrative door of my website. As a website owner, I feel that it is my responsibility to create a safe and secure environment for everyone to visit, no matter their age.

Maybe to momentarily get this feature going, a login of somesort could be required to upload images tracking the IP address, or the option of images not being accepted until they are reviewed by the site administrator.

Just a thought or two.

Love the script by the way. It is coming a long great
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