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Upload failed after upgrade / Envoi des images impossible après mise à jour

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Chevereto Member
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Chevereto version

Description of the issue

I updated from 2.4.3 to 3.10.13 following the documentation and the process went well, no error and no notice.

But it's now impossible to send images and this message appears in the error.log file for each attempt:
SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'image_source_md5' in 'where clause'

It seems that a column is missing from a table in the database.

My PHP version is 5.6.36.

Could you help me to fix this problem?
Thanks 🙂

P.s : English is not my native language, I am French and I use google translate. ^^
Run this command in your MySQL console (ie phpmyadmin query)

ALTER TABLE `chv_images`
  ADD `image_source_md5` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL,
  ADD INDEX `image_source_md5` (`image_source_md5`);

Did it work?
Nope, run it then same symptom online and same message in error.log.

Sorry to bother you with that :/
That adds the missing column, so the error should be different. You shouldn't get the "missing column" error because it is supposed that you already added it.

Check if your database has the missing column, if so, then get the actual error log entry.
I'm sorry, I did not have eyes in front of the holes and I did not make my request correctly. I just start over with clearer ideas and everything works fine.

Topic solved 😎

A big thanks and see you soon for the 4.x release.
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