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Make the system mails use "Multi-part MIME"


Chevereto Member
Please can you make all system generated mails provide a plain-text alternative in their mail body?

I think it is an important "best practices", because:
  • Spam filters like to see a plain text alternative. HTML-only emails are a red flag for spam filters.
  • Some email-clients and apps won't or can't handle HTML. In cases like this, the plain text email will display.
  • Some people (like me) simply prefer it. Plain and simple.
It is supposed that PHPMailer does that auto, but since the messages are plain, it not generates multipart but just a weird text with some HTML tags.
Mail send from "Dashboard -> Tools" is send correctly as plain text and "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8". I guess then, somewhere html-code gets injected and the other mails are detected as HTML by PHPMailer.
But phpmailer adds the multipart when it detects html. It doesn't send html without also sending plain text
How about after #126 in "/app/lib/functions.php":
if($body != strip_tags($body)) {
   $mail->AltBody = strip_tags($body);

I did a quick test and it seems to work as expected.
"strip_tags" leaves some empty lines behind. Do you know an elegant way to get rid of these unneeded lines?

As a suggestion, maybe it is a good idea to loose the html in "app/themes/Peafowl/mails/*.php"? Anyone who want to use fancy mails with images, banners and stuff whould override these snippets anyway. The function "send_mail()" in "/app/lib/functions.php" makes sure, that it is send correctly as plain-text or, if html is detected, as multipart.
It seems that "strip_tags" removes the html-tag, but not the linefeed and/or carrier-return. So all lines with a removed tag become empty lines. For instance the body of the plain-text mail starts with two empty lines. Doesn't do any harm, but looks ugly, though.
Of course!

Now I have:

if($body != strip_tags($body)) {
    $plaintext = trim((strip_tags($body))," \t\n\r\0\x0B");          
    $mail->AltBody = $plaintext;

It also leaves the original html part intact and adds the plaintext message. Still no beauty, but works solid.

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Hi Testing, welcome to Linkchilla
Now that your account is ready you can enjoy uploading your images, creating albums and setting the privacy of your content as well as many more cool things that you will discover.
By the way, here is you very own awesome profile page: testing. Go ahead and customize it, its yours!.
Thank you for joining,

This email was sent from Linkchilla https://www.linkchilla.com

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Anlage.html"
Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii"; name="Anlage.html"

Hi Testing, welcome to Linkchilla<br><br>
Now that your account is ready you can enjoy uploading your images, creating albums and setting the privacy of your content as well as many more cool things that you will discover.<br><br>
By the way, here is you very own awesome profile page: <a href="https://www.linkchilla.com/testing">testing</a>. Go ahead and customize it, its yours!.<br><br>
Thank you for joining,
This email was sent from Linkchilla https://www.linkchilla.com</body>


BTW: The correct way to use a signature divider is (without the quotes)
"-- "
Note the trailing space.
You should use trim() alone, without character mask. By default, it handles " \t\n\r\0\x0B" so you don't need to add it on your own.
Just updated to 3.10.4 and noticed you changed these lines:

$alt_body = trim(strip_tags($body));
if($body != $alt_body) {
    $mail->AltBody = $alt_body;

I think, this will always send html+plaintext, even when the mail is only plain-text. (e.g.: manually removing all html tags from the mail snippets.)

Because of the early trim, the next if statement will be always "true":
if($body != $alt_body) {

I don't think it is intended?
Trim only deals with chars at the beginning or at the end of the string, the only false positive will be if the email has extra chars in those positions (which is not likely to happen).

Trim won't handle anything inside the string, you need something like this:
preg_replace("/[\r\n]+/", "\n\n", trim($strip))

That will deal with all the extra line breaks, but we are just running in circles here. PHPMailer includes methods to do this.

Re-download and you will see it.