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Upload Button w/ PHPBB 3.2

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Description of the issue

I went looking for a solution and found your software and this plug-in.
Amazing timing and near perfect implementation for my usage.



I notice that I am getting the upload button appearing below places it is
not desirable.

1) Comment section for file attachments
2) text area for selection of multiple user names to send PM to

If you have any suggestions - I will do the work if you know if any code changes.

I do not fully understand implementing the manual button which would allow me to
put it where I want it - but I need it to automatically pick the kind of link to return
and I think you are saying that the extra options like that are only good with the default button setup.

What code do I put in my overall_header file to work with only manual button?

Thanks for your time and effort,

- jemiNii
I don't know which files you have to edit to manually place the button. I don't use phpbb and I don't have any idea on that one.

As for the bug, I will check what's going on and fix it for the next release.
DO I have any extensions installed? (MODS are outdated)
Yes - over a 100 ....

I will make account for you - you want info e-mailed to you?

One other thing - can I change it so when you upload multiple images that they are inserted back to back and not each one on a new line? ... it allows for a gallery effect and makes better use of the space.


I already know exactly where the button would go - I wanted to know what code I would use for it that would not call the other button also - the code I put in my overall_header file.
Only if that is the only option and the extra button cannot be resolved ....
You need to load pup once, that's all. In this case I've to investigate what is not working but please be aware that we are out of support hours.
The problem is that you are using a custom editor (PUP only supports default editors), I think that you will agree on that is obvious that it can't support all custom editors for each CMS.

But, it also has a neat feature that allows me to skip some textareas. Edit skd/pup.js and use the contents of this file: https://demo.chevereto.com/sdk/pup.dev.js
Excellent - PM extra button - gone!
Thank-you for that!

You can use the test forum to test the attachment comments if you want - post away in there if need to. I am grateful for your help and please - only when you have the time. I have been reading about how busy you are and even having to dump side projects - I understand.

AND if nothing else if you could help me align those images when inserted it would be much appreciated. We have grown accustomed to that from using {omit over-rated competitor's name} and it does look better. I know it could be as easy as removing a linebreak or it could be more complicated.

Thanks again for your time and good fortune to you - cheers!
The thing with spaces/line breaks is that some prefer line breaks while some prefer spaces so I'm stuck with line breaks which seems to get more attention. So, this kind of stuff is not just at PUP but how Chevereto outputs the links for each user so it needs an user preference setting and a UI element. Heck, it could be used to get people to register (signup to choose how you want to generate the embed codes).

Regarding your website, I need to find a way to get rid of comment_list[N], that requires a little tweaking since is an array-type attribute but I will try to find a workaround.
I understand about official implementation and trying to please everyone. I guess I'm looking for a down and dirty quick hack? We only use full bbcode links if that helps ....
I understand about official implementation and trying to please everyone. I guess I'm looking for a down and dirty quick hack? We only use full bbcode links if that helps ....
Is not that easy. Pup is made to handle linebreaks and I haven't tested with spaces. It shouldn't be hard but the problem is not how easy/hard it is, is more related to that there is a general preference towards line breaks so I can't change that without adding an option. Maybe I can add a new attribute to force linebreaks to spaces. In any case, is not something that I will do at this time because I'm focused in extend support and get more vendors in.
I need to make the manual buttons - I found a few more stray buttons in my "Contact Us" form and my "Application" form.
Is there anyway to call the pup.js from each location so I can place them in to html files:

Event locations can be hooked this way:

Whatever I put in those two files will put my button at bottom of post editor and bottom of PM editor and keep it from showing up in all locations. I can put button there - but postimage puts the actual .js file there so I was wondering which method I need to use.

Please give code examples as I have no idea how to call the .js or link to button

Thanks - this will take care of my problems ....
Please understand that pup is designed to work with the default phpbb editor. You will always have issues with custom editors.

Having said that, the instructions for manual buttons are described in tjhe documentation: https://chevereto.com/docs/pup

Please note that this section is for script issues and PUP conflicting with custom vendor editor plugins is outside the scope of support.
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