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Theme overrides don't work for tpl_list_item dir


Chevereto Member
As stated in subject, basically I tried to override template file in /app/themes/Peafowl/tpl_list_item/image_cover_image.php(needed different alt for images in listings) by placing file with the same name in /app/themes/Peafowl/overrides/tpl_list_item/image_cover_image.php but for some reason it didn't work this time.
Chevereto still uses original image_cover_image.php and ignores override.

It might be intentional, but I assume it's a bug since overrides works fine with views and snippets and pretty convinient system overall that I come to love and use a lot since it's implementation. If I'm doing something wrong I would greatly appreciate advice.
I can confirm that this will be added to v3.10.4. I also tweaked the listing function so it doesn't perform two loops.