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    Please keep in mind:

Disable Explore for guest

Yes, it does. Everytime you trim the Explorer your crawl rate will dramatically decrease.
It's all depends, it's a secret recipe on how google algorithms even work and how they determine which site will be placed on first pages, of course back linking to relevant sites as well as keywords etc. does help, but I don't think this will dramatically hurt your seo.
Yes it will do because Explore is the only way in which Google can crawl your website. No crawl = no content and you will get less indexed pages.
So you're saying if I don't have explore enabled my sitemap won't work, because that's
how I have them crawling my site.
Chevereto doesn't have sitemaps. Google will be blind if you disable /explore.
Purely out of curiosity, is there a way to have Explore enabled (Google searchable), but not have the clickable option "Explore" visible/clickable on the top left?
I'm guessing that would be found be somewhere in the Peafowl folder? Sorry, still learning where everything is. Thanks for your help
That's a good idea, the drop-down won't be visible to guest but Google can still have access to the explore and you would have to login to get the drop-down. That way it shouldn't affect your seo. And if you would like to get rid of explore altogether you can just disable it.