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Ban IP Feature & IP searching - Can we use wildcards?


💖 Chevereto Fan
So now that we have a nice IP banning feature on Chevereto, is it possible to use wildcards??

After deleting a load of 'chinese' pictures, I've noticed that these have been uploaded by a certain IP address - the end three digits are different.

So could I ban the whole range, like this?


Would that work?

I know that in MySQL you can use wildcards like % to search a IP range, but can you do this using the advanced search in Chevereto?

I've tried
123.456.789.* and

But neither of them seemed to work. So could you please explain how to use wildcards with searching IP Addresses, or if that doesn't exist, can you add it?

It doesn't matter how long something was requested. Is all about how many persons need a given feature. I see 2 persons interested in this in a range of 1 year so it tells me that the demand for this is very low.

It is very easy to understand, I develop something driven by popular demand.
I find it kind of silly as anyone who has access to the .htaccess file (or even just cPanel) can ban things much more efficiently. Ban them at the server level, not software.
In the next revision, all IP searches will work with LIKE ip% so the search function will match all IPs that begins with the matched IP.

I will also add IP wildcard for bans and both features will get released in v3.10.4.

In the future, please remember to post just one single requirement per topic.