Phoenix Foto Service
▶🚶Reproduction steps
So far, the English language remains in the text. The title has already been translated.
📃Affected file
[CODE lang="php" title="dashboard.php row 30-35"] <p><?php _se("The connecting IP is determined using the server variable %var%. If the detected IP doesn't match yours, it means that your web server is under a proxy and you need to tweak your server to set the real connecting IP.", ['%var%' => '<code class="code">$_SERVER[\'REMOTE_ADDR\']</code>']); ?></p>
<p><?php _se("For Nginx, you must use %nginx%. For Apache, %apache%.", [
'%nginx%' => '<code class="code">ngx_http_realip_module</code>',
'%apache%' => '<code class="code">mod_remoteip</code>'
]); ?></p>
<p><?php _se("Make sure that you address this issue as the system relies on accurate IP detections to provide basic functionalities and to protect against spam, flooding, and brute force attacks."); ?></p>[/CODE]
- Go to Dashboard
- Look at the bottom of Connectet IP and press the link
So far, the English language remains in the text. The title has already been translated.
📃Affected file
row 30-35[CODE lang="php" title="dashboard.php row 30-35"] <p><?php _se("The connecting IP is determined using the server variable %var%. If the detected IP doesn't match yours, it means that your web server is under a proxy and you need to tweak your server to set the real connecting IP.", ['%var%' => '<code class="code">$_SERVER[\'REMOTE_ADDR\']</code>']); ?></p>
<p><?php _se("For Nginx, you must use %nginx%. For Apache, %apache%.", [
'%nginx%' => '<code class="code">ngx_http_realip_module</code>',
'%apache%' => '<code class="code">mod_remoteip</code>'
]); ?></p>
<p><?php _se("Make sure that you address this issue as the system relies on accurate IP detections to provide basic functionalities and to protect against spam, flooding, and brute force attacks."); ?></p>[/CODE]