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[3.10.18] Regenerate existing thumbnails when new size is set in Dashboard > Settings > Image Upload?

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Chevereto Member
Hello, we had previously set our thumbnail size to 300x200 and many thumbnails were generated. Now we want to set our thumbnails to 360x238. Is there a way to regenerate the old thumbnails into the new size? I saw in the changelog for 3.4.4 "Added system to re-generate medium sized and thumbnail images" but I do not know if this is related to what we want to do. Or how to do it, if it is possible. Any help will be appreciated! Thanks!
The thumb re-generator works when the following conditions are meet:

1. The thumbnail doesn't exists.
2. You are using local storage.
3. You are retrieving the image in a listing or direct view.

A cheap alternative could be to issue a SSH command to delete all matching thumb files (.th.*) then just browse listings from your website until the system re-fills everything.

Keep in mind that this could be a very intensive task. Put your website in maintenance mode before deleting anything and change how many images you process per listing so you won't have to click "next" that often.


Many thanks, Rodolfo, that did the trick! I tried it "manually" with a few images and the new thumbs were rebuilt as soon as I clicked on the gallery listing. I appreciate the assistance!
I just realized that the thumbnails will be regenerated even on an album view. You don't even have to drill down on the individual images. Thanks again, Rodolfo, for the tip! And thank you for your speedy reply and for making such a nice piece of software. Our members really appreciate it.
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