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2.5.1 Fresh install

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Chevereto Member
Just installed this submitpicture.com
All looks good except when I upload a pic I get a 404.
I can find the image by hunting it down using ftp so I know it's getting uploaded.

Any tips?
No it doesn't work.
And I just re-uploaded the .htaccess file right inside public_html.
Still doesn't work.
I had an older version 1.8 installed on the same server and had to have mod_rewrite enabled back then.
Remove this line from the .htaccess file:

RewriteBase /chevereto
That worked.
Is there no user system yet?
And where can you change the name of the pictures being uploaded?
No, that is 3.0 which is next year i believe.
Everything you will need is in the config.php inside the includes folder.
* File naming set-up
* Set up how you will like to name the uploaded files.
* 'original' : Try to keep the original file name. If the file already exists the 'mixed' method will be used for that file.
* 'random' : Use absolute random names for the uploaded files.
* 'mixed' : Keeps part of the original file name including random chars at the end of the file.
* Default: original
* @Since 2.5
$config['file_naming'] = 'original';

I want to rename the pictures whatever I want. Is that possible or not?
That worked.
Is there no user system yet?
And where can you change the name of the pictures being uploaded?

User system will come in Chevereto 3 and to change the name of the uploaded files only /admin atm.
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