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I've enabled Embed Codes but users are seeing "This feature is available only for registered users."


Chevereto Member
🎯Description of the issue

In Setting Theme, I've enabled Embed Codes (content) and save. However when a guest visits an album page and clicks on the Embed Codes Tab they are seeing "This feature is available only for registered users".

▶🚶‍Reproduction steps
  1. Goto Settings, Theme, Set Embed Codes to Enabled and SAVE
  2. Goto an Albumb page as guest/non-logged in user
  3. Click embed codes


    https://gallery.spoilertv.com/album/outlander-episode-503-free-will.m7B then click Embed Codes tab.
😢Unexpected result

This feature is available only for registered user is displayed. Was expecting the embed code

📃Error log message

The codes you mention (album embed codes) are available only for registered users. There's no option to make it available for all users, it was restricted to avoid potential DDoS attacks on that functionality.

Thanks for the explanation Rodolfo, much appreciated.

Any chance that in a future release this might be some setting the owners can turn on/off after a warning message.